In case you're wondering what kind of light and frivolous topics we deal with in class (and I know your breath is bated), below find sample homework exercises covered on 9/11 (and included in Mick Jagger post). If this does not satisfy your insatiable curiosity, the blogger is happy to fax assignments your way. Please submit fax numbers in comment field below.
Modalverben in Konjunktiv II
In German, specific verbs indicate very specific levels of certainty/possibility.You better know exactly where you stand before opening your mouth. In addition, when used in the past tense, these verbs are treated like no others.
Nur er kann dieses
Verbrechen begohnen haben.
(100% certain)
Only he could have committed this crime.
Das Motiv dürfte Geldgier gewesen sein. (75% certain)
The motive was possibly greed for money.
Eifersucht könnte auch eine Rolle gespielt haben.
(50% certain)
Jealousy could also have played a role.
Vermutlich war Leichtsinn der Grund, warum vier Jugendliche am Matterhorn tödlich verunglückt sind.
Presumably, carelessness was the reason the four young men suffered a fatal accent on the Matterhorn.
Einiger Jugendlichen sind möglicherweise in Panik geraten.
A few of the young men possibly fell into a panic.
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