Restaurant: Toca Rouge
Soup: Shanghai Surprise
Menu Description: King Shrimps im Bett von Mincemeat mit Mi Ming Wasserspinat und Chinesischen Reiskuchen
Panel of Judges: Katrinka, Lilan
Tastings: Thursday, Friday, Sunday
Sunday 19:00 (following Sony Center viewing of Ratatouille)
Judge No.1 (Katrinka): What I love about the dumplings is the shrimp inside.
Judge No. 2 (Lilan): Oh. That's the Shanghai Surprise!
No.1: Yes!
No.2: I like the rice things. (flat, white discs made of rice flour)
No.1: I love them. They are like Gummis!
No.2: It's so weird. It tastes like a German soup. But Chinese too.
No.1: Look, seaweed.
No.2: Also Vietnamese. It's the ginger. You don't expect that seasoning with the meatballs.
No.1 (drops her spoon, grabs No.2's shoulder): Oh, it's so good! Why is it so good?!
No.2: Ouch.
Tuesday 19:45 (Adam accompanies Judge No. 2 to Toca Rouge)
Adam: Um.
Judge No. 2: You don't like it? How can you not like it?
Adam: The meatballs.
No.2: I love them! So soft.
Adam: They taste like Spam.
No.2: Oh. My. God. They are not Spam.
Adam: Weird.
No.2 (taking deep breath): Whatever. I'm not offended.You can like what you want.
Adam: I think I'll order something else.
No.2 (acting casual): The dumplings are good.
Adam: Want to share?
No.2: Sure. Kellner! Then: Spam!?
Adam: Nasty processed meat-y.
No.2: I can NOT believe you.
Panel of Judges: Shanghai Surprise remains Best Soup in Berlin, 2007. Do not heed Junior Tech God Chili Maker from Birmingham.
No.2: But what if? Could it? Really?
Adam: Spam.
No 2: No.
Adam: That's the Surprise.
That soup sounds AMAZING! And did you love Ratatouille??? I adored it, of course! Saw it for my birthday.
Posted by: Julie | October 06, 2007 at 04:39 AM
It is AMAZING! I can't imagine you not loving it. Adam be damned. :-) And, oh my god, Ratatouille was divine. I think I must see it again, maybe in German this time. Dubbing seems to work better with animation. Funny that.
Posted by: Lilan | October 06, 2007 at 07:14 AM
From Self- appointed Judge # 3:
Ratatouille -- Definitely a wonder to eat. As a movie -- everytime the rats got on all fours I edged toward the door!
To each his own. It's the variety of tastes and pleasures that makes life so sublime!
Posted by: Posemary | October 06, 2007 at 08:01 AM
I'll admit, when the hordes of rats over the kitchen, I was pretty horrified. But, remember, I used to have a pet rat, freak that I am, so the rat-under-the-hat aspect was quite palatable.
Posted by: Lilan | October 06, 2007 at 08:17 AM