It is not recommended to arrive at Berlin's Tegel Airport two hours in advance, as the airport is the size of one's pinkie finger and passing through security is about as stressful as sipping a cappuccino, and there is nothing to do but sit in the lobby and quatsch on one's Handy with Bayreuth Boy, who, stuck in bed with stomach cramps due to the consumption of aging alfalfa sprouts, has no choice but to listen. Poor Boy.
It is also not recommended to schedule a two-hour layover in Frankfurt, as one will be forced to consume a "Roma" sandwich on wheat bread so pale it might as well be Wonder, and while crunching on stale mozzarella, pay 8 Euro for the use of T-com HotSpot wireless just to prove what an up-to-the-minute on-the-go blogger one is.
In addition, it is not recommended to travel with a powdered L. Glutamine-packed plastic baggy. Lesson learned.
Finally, it is not recommended to linger so long over a very short post entitled "Killing Time" that one's T-com HotSpot hour runs out before one hits Publish and one simultaneously realizes one's flight began boarding ten minutes ago -- ack! Running....
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