I have to find a new apartment and move. Like now.
I have to feed the hungry piggy bank. With freelance work. But how? And where?
I have to bury Him. And beat the Virus. And fall asleep before 4 a.m. One of these friggin' days.
I have to decide: Why. Am I here. In Berlin. At all.
Also: I have to fly to San Francisco. Mom needs me. For reals.
Last Thursday I saw my holistic healer. I am lost, I said. No solid ground beneath my feet. Nothing in my life not unstable.
She looked at me kindly. She said: It's always most wobbly right before we fly.
Then she handed me two snow-white swan feathers. And sent me on my way.
She's right. Hold on!
Posted by: Julie @ the calm before the stork | August 07, 2008 at 10:06 AM